Last Updated on January 27, 2019

I absolutely love this time of year.  It’s that sweet spot in Florida when the weather is perfect, after the holidays and before the bugs, boob sweat, and big hair humidity hits.  Spring is in the air.  Birds are chirping.  Flowers are blooming.  The air smells fresh and new.  (Can this smell be bottled, please?!) 

Over the course of the week, I spent a lot of time outside, logging miles on my bike, paddle boarding at the beach and walking around my neighborhood.

It was during a twilight power walk that I couldn’t help but admire the blooming beautiful trees… Which triggered a big ah-hah reminder moment fueling today’s episode of CCtv.

Once upon a time, several years ago, I’d admire these trees not knowing they were the root cause of my emotional eating.  Back then, I had know idea that these pretty trees I loved so much were full of potent pollen that triggered me to feel tired, itchy and straight up *earmuffs* bitchy.

It was those icky feelings that had me running to the pantry, self-medicating with food…. which eventually left me feeling guilty for eating knowing that this habit was the reason why I was left feeling frustrated on the scale.

It’s amazing how unconscious emotional triggers to eat when you’re not hungry can be…

  • Some people eat when they’re bored and need something to do.
  • Others graze throughout the daily… Casually downing drinks and handfuls of snacks on the go and stressed.
  • Some people eat even though they aren’t hungry because of guilt after being raised to “clean your plate because kids in Africa are starving!!”

Other mindless eaters have no idea why they end up in their kitchen in search of salty’s or sweets… feeling like their body’s been possessed and before you know it they’re left saying ‘I can’t believe I ate the whole thing?!?’

Now let’s be clear….  If you’re eating when you’re not truly hungry, then you’re using food, not eating food.  There’s a big difference.  Pounds of Fat Happen When you Eat When you’re not Hungry.

How to Stop Eating When You’re Not Hungry

Weight loss becomes a lot easier when you STOP eating when you’re not truly tummy-rumbling hungry.  That’s what today’s episode of CCtv is all about.  You’ll learn my easy breezy 3-step process to stop yourself from eating when you’re not really hungry.  If you’ve ever wanted to know how to stop eating when you’re not hungry, this week’s episode of CCtv is for you.  See me explain how to stop eating when you’re not hungry in this video.  

Knowing how to deal with the triggers that are causing you to eat when you’re not really hungry is a critical piece of the weight loss puzzle.  But it’s a lot easier to skip the pantry when you know:

  1. That you’re not really hungry
  2. That you’ve been triggered to ‘use’ food to cope
  3. Dealing with the trigger without calories

Awareness is key to stopping yourself from eating when you’re not hungry. When you *finally* identify your triggers and start dealing with them authentically – without food – weight loss becomes a lot easier.

3 Powerful Questions to Help you Stop Eating when you’re Not Hungry:

  • Are you really hungry when you eat? If you’re not hungry but find that you’re going for food anyway, ask yourself…
  • What feeling is triggering me to eat?
  • Then do something else and deal with the root cause of the feelings without eating or drinking unnecessary calories.

You CAN do this!!

Your Biggest Cheerleader : )


P.S. If you’ve been struggling to stick to your diet because you constantly feel hungry or craving food you may be experiencing metabolic dysfunction or side effects from toxic buildup.  Take my free metabolic analysis and I’ll explain what your body type is, if you’re having symptoms of metabolic dysfunction and how you can fix it and start feeling happier, healthier and get fit fast.

How to Stop Eating when you're bored