Last Updated on January 14, 2022

If you want a flat, toned tummy you’re going to love my 30 day ab challenge.

There’s one word that seems to be consistent every time I work with a new client.

That word is ABS!




From a sexy 6 pack to a firmer, flatter tummy… Abs consistently seem to be the “forbidden fruit” everybody is lusting after.

As a trainer, I’m all about core training with consistent ab exercises.  A strong core can help reduce back pain, improve your posture, and increase confidence and self-esteem exponentially.

That’s why I put together this 30 day ab challenge!  So you can experience all the benefits and get flat, toned abs in 30 days.

If you want to see some sexy definition in your abs…

If you want to lose some inches from your waistline…

If you want to build core strength…

If you’d like to get in the habit of training your core…

Then my 30-Day Ab Challenge is perfect for you!

This ab challenge works, when you work it!  Results are guaranteed when you follow the ab challenge instructions.  Keep reading for all of the details.

See me demo the exercises for you in the video below.



30 day ab challenge schedule




Every day for 30 days, you’ll need to perform the following exercises.  It’s very important that you use proper form while following this ab challenge.

Proper form ensures you’re targeting and truly engaging the core muscles and avoiding neck/back pain.

Perform each exercise at the same pace as I move in the Ab Challenge video above.

At the beginning of the challenge, you’ll do lower reps/sets.  Over time you’ll progressively add more as the days go by.

This way you’ll avoid overtraining, get continuous results, and will gradually increase intensity so it’s easier to complete the challenge and be consistent.  Always remember, consistency is key for results.


  • During the first 10 days, repeat each exercise the prescribed number of times, and complete 3 sets.
  • During the next 10 days, you’ll add a 4th set.
  • By the last 10 days of this challenge, you’ll be repeating each exercise, for 5 sets.
  • By the end of the 30 days in the challenge, you can lose inches from your waistline and notice more defined sexy abs.




Below you’ll find the reps/sets and a list of the 6 exercises to follow during the 30 day ab challenge.


30 day ab challenge schedule and exercises being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Pin this 30 day ab challenge to Pinterest so you’ll have it forever





Bicycle Crunch Exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Basic Crunch

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands behind your head with elbows out to the side.  This is your start position.  Squeeze your abs and lift your head off of the ground about 6 inches.  Exhale as you lower back down to the start position to complete one rep.


Heel Touches Ab Exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Heel Touches

Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Your arms should be down by your side with your palms on the floor. Lift your shoulders off the floor. This will be your starting position. Reach one hand down towards the heel on the same side. Without lowering your shoulders down, immediately return to the start position, then repeat the movement on the other side to complete one rep.


Scissor Kick Ab Exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Scissor Kicks

Lie with your legs extended out with toes pointed. Contract your abs and lift your legs off the ground about 6 inches. This is your start position. Lift one leg straight up then quickly lower it, as you simultaneously lift your other leg. Scissor kick both legs once, to complete one rep. Continue to alternate lifting and lowering your legs without stopping or touching the floor until you complete your set. Tip: Extend your arms out to the side or under your butt for support.


Bicycle Crunch Exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Bicycle Crunch

Lie with your hands behind your head with your elbows out to the side.  Engage your abs to lift your shoulders upward while pushing your right elbow across your body towards your left knee.  Fluidly, cycle your feet as you repeat the movement on the opposite side, pushing your left elbow towards your right knee.  A crunch on both sides completes one rep. Continue alternating sides, while spinning your feet until you complete your set.


Overhead pendulum exercise done by Christina Carlyle

Overhead Pendulum

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Using both hands, lift a dumbbell overhead. This is your start position. Slowly dip the weight to one side. Hold for a count then rock the weight back up and over to the opposite side to complete one rep. Slowing ‘tick and tock’ the weight back and forth like a pendulum, until you complete your set.


Dumbbell Side Dips exercise being done by Christina Carlyle

Dumbbell Side Dips

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, while holding dumbbells down by your sides. This is your start position. Lower the weight down to one side as far as you can. Exhale and squeeze your abs as you lift the weight back up to the start position to complete one rep. Repeat the movement on the same side for the prescribed number of reps. Repeat the same number of reps on the other side to complete your set. Tip: Protect your neck and look forward not down, while doing the movement.


Hip Dip Ab Exercise being done by Trainer Christina Carlyle

Hip Dips

Start in a modified plank position on your elbows and forearms.  Keep your core tight rotate your hips as you dip down to one side. Immediately reverse the movement dipping your other hip down to the opposite side, to complete one rep. Tip: Only use your core muscles to lower your hips down.  Keep your spine neutral, don’t pitch your booty up.


Crawling Plank Ab Exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Crawling Planks

Start in a plank position.  Slowly walk your hands back towards your toes as far as you can until you’re in a forward fold.  Quickly walk your hands back to a plank to complete one rep.  Do as many reps as you can until you feel the burn.  Once you feel the burn do 5 more to complete your workout.


Common Questions about this 30 Day Ab Challenge


Is it ok to train the abs every day?

Yes!  If you’re concerned about over-training your abs by working them daily, don’t worry!  The abs recover faster than other muscle groups do. The core muscle group consists predominantly of fast-twitch muscle fibers.  Fast-twitch muscle fibers tire and recover quickly compared to other muscles.  Plus, the training strategy used in this ab challenge helps to ensure you’re progressively adding on time and intensity without overloading your core muscles.


What do you do to maintain it once you’re done with the 30 days?

Muscle is a ‘use it or lose it’ tissue.  But I don’t recommend training your abs 365 days a year… this ab challenge is 30 days long for a reason.  To maintain your results, I recommend my workout programs.  Also, proper nutrition is extremely important. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.  Abs really are made in the kitchen.  For the best possible results during this ab challenge, follow a meal plan & complete workout program.  If you need help I’ve got you covered.

30 day Results from Christina Carlyle's Total Transformation Program

 Results using my Total Transformation Program

If you need a meal plan and a complete training program to accelerate your results, click here.


Does this 30 day ab challenge work?

Yes, it does!  But it only works, when you work it!  See the comments below for real deal results from ladies, just like you… that found me online and tried my 30 day ab challenge.


Are you going to try this ab challenge?  Have you tried it already?  What were your results.

Let me know in the comments.

Your Coach and Biggest Cheerleader


P.S.  If you like this ab challenge you’re going to love my 30 day Squat Challenge, too.